Sunday, April 19, 2009

Here are a few highlights from our trip to Vegas. We had a wonderful time.

The hotel we stayed at was the Stratosphere.
We road in a gondola with at the Venetian and were serenaded by a gondolier.

We were chauffeured back to our hotel by a limousine after we bought a time share.

We walked through the gardens at the Flamingo, it was beautiful.

Dad almost fell out of the tower at the Stratosphere!



He gets all the girls!


Heidi's Corner said...

what a great time! I like the picture of Joe with the dancing girl, he looks like he might get in trouble if he hugs her to close. Ha ha! The picture of him almost falling is really neat to see Vegas in the background.

Jennifer said...

wow, looks like you guys had a good time! dad, you seem much more happy with the mustang than the dancer. haha!