Sunday, April 19, 2009

My Apartment - far overdue

I've been promising pictures of my apartment but it just hasn't been a priority and when it was, then my camera wasn't working! These are from different times, but should give you the gist of what it looks like. The apartment I live in used to be an old Victorian mansion and has since been turned into 6 small apartments. Mine is a good sized one bedroom and I believe they all are one bedrooms but the ones on the front of the apartment are even smaller than mine. I'm in the back of the apartment and am facing a courtyard type backyard where my neighbors from different buildings and backdoor porches occasionally have parties. Sound carries a lot here! But most of the time it is dead silent save for the occasional trolley horn when someone is parked on the tracks. By the way, most of these pictures are how the apartment was before I moved in, mine is decorated much differently. I wasn't abel to get those pics off my digital camera


Meredith said...

I was wondering about the animal carrier at the end of the bed and the red couch was missing. It would be nice if you were able to get the pictures off your phone of your decorating.

Heidi's Corner said...

I love your place! It looks so cozy. I love you're blue chairs. Where did you get them? Was the animal carrier from when you were cat sitting?

Jennifer said...

Ok, so I did this when I was overly tired and didn't specifically say that these pictures are of my apartment but were taken when the girl who lived there before me was there. So the way it is decorated now was completely different. She had a cat. :) I'll need to figure out how to get those pictures off of my digital camera but what I'll probably end up doing is taking more pictures with my camera instead.