Tuesday, November 3, 2009


On Halloween night, cousins Cordelia, Torrie, and Fred Ryan came to trick or treat. Cordelia and Heidi played cat and mouse.

Grandma gave her baths in the kitchen sink since it is too far to bend to do the big tub.

Promised Jennifer that I would post some pictures and blog some on Heidi's visit here. So here goes. Grandpa and grandma had a blast with Heidi here. She is such a joy. We wanted to make sure she had her pictures taken when she was 6 months old, but she wasn't cooperating.

Grandpa had her help with making beer for Christmas.

We took her to her first Mustang and Fords of the Dakotas meeting and she tried out the twactor.
Here she was trying that new fangled stuff called solid food. She wasn't liking it.
Grandpa put her down for a nap. When grandma went in to see if she was sleeping, she found a pile of blanket and no Heidi. She peeked out from underneath, smiled, and covered herself back up and went to sleep.

She loved her new bouncer. She played and played and played while she was here. She almost sat up on her own a couple of times, but grandma was too slow to find the camera, so you will just have to believe me. She helped at church too by greeting people as they came to the Festival of Faith program on Women of the Old Testament. She especially enjoyed all the babies and kids. She was so happy there.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Oh my god those are adorable pictures! I love the story of the blanket at bedtime. So funny. Looks like she had a goodtime. :)