Sunday, September 16, 2007

9/11 Unity Walk and Saman's Birthday

The purpose of my trip to Washington D.C. was to support my friend Saman whom I met in the U.A.E. in March 2006. She coordinated the walk and its purpose was to bring together people of every religion to unite during this time of war and chaos. It was a great turnout and after listening to the speakers I was literally in tears. One of the speakers was a personal friend of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. At the end he made us hold hands and sing Whitney Houston's song "One Moment in Time". It was very special to me. People from across the globe, all Americans, holding hands and singing as one creating a spirit of peace and unity.

Unfortunately, I don't have pictures of the actual event because I ran out of battery life before I got to the walk, but you can go see pictures and read about world news coverage of the event at this website:,com_newsfeeds/catid,18/Itemid,81/

The pictures I have are of Saman and her sister and friends. Also one of her entry way of her amazing house.


humphrey said...
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Jennifer said...

hmmmm...I wonder what someone wrote here but then later decided to delete?