Sunday, December 20, 2009

Philly Big Snow Storm 09

This is why I'm still in Philly and not on my way to Bismarck today. Beginning 1am Saturday morning and ending 6am Sunday a huge snow storm rolled into the area and blanketed SE Pennsylvania, southern NJ, northern DE, southern NY, and all the way down to Virginia. At first they were predicting 3-6 inches. That turned into 6-8, then 10-12, then 8-14, and finally 10-20. Yesterday they said Philadelphia received 16 inches and it wasn't even finished snowing yet. They say it is the second biggest December snow storm on record here. Here is the aftermath in my neighborhood..My doorstep. Lazy landlord
In front of my apartment. Looks like the red car tried to get out and failed. Now they're up on the curb!!
It is hard to see but those are garbage trucks with plows hooked on the front plowing the snow off the street!
One block away
Two blocks away. All I can say to the owner of the car in the forefront is - good luck!

As you can see the trolleys are still able to plow through the snow and go down their tracks.

People waiting for the trolley on the street because the sidewalks aren't cleared.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Heidi's First Thanksgiving

Grandpa and Grandma Gross went to visit Heidi (and mom and dad) for Thanksgiving. We had a wonderful meal at Brian's boss' house on Thanksgiving. Kelly cooked a wonderful Thanksgiving meal on Saturday because she had to work Thursday and Friday. Brian, Joe, Heidi, and Meredith went Christmas shopping on Friday.
Heidi sat up at the table with the big people and ate solid food while we were there.
She helped Grandpa check out the fireplace to see what was wrong.
She took a spin with her car to go Christmas Shopping. She took her Target ad and stopped to check her next stop.
She told Daddy how to fix her crib so she wouldn't fall out.
She helped mommy decorate the Christmas Tree.

Mostly, she played and played and played. She discovered how to really get around even without crawling. She enjoyed being able to sit in front of her toy box and choose the toy she wanted to play with.