Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Mom and Dad visit Jennifer overdue

Dad wouldn't admit it, but playing with my kittens was the funnest part of the trip!

Such a pretty beer, right dad? Good thing dad found Blues Point beer otherwise the crack addict at the bar might have lured him into conversation.

Top of the Empire State Building!

I know you can't tell, but this girl is about to pee her pants!

The biggest fireworks show in the country. Over the Hudson River NYC - 2009

People finally showed up

Waiting for the show to start. I think we got there 3 hours early.

Beautiful sunset over New Jersey.

John Lennon's apartment building where he was shot by Central Park.

Me Rock Climbing!

Look! A tourist!

Brooklyn Bridge - boy that sucker is long!

And of course I had to take mom and dad to Pat's in South Philly for a REAL cheesesteaks. Substitutions need not apply.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Heidi learns to drive

This is Heidi,
To see me better, click on the last two pictures to enlarge them.
bye, bye

Heidi learns to drive

Hi, this is Heidi.

I just want to tell you about my visit to Granpa & Grandma Gross the weekend of August 22., 2009. It was pretty fun, but everytime I go there everybody tries to kiss me, give me toys & play with me. It can get kind of anoying!! Too unwind, I try to find fun things to do, like seeing how far I can throw toys, and spitting up on people. A fun thing to do is when I get to fly like supergirl. This is how it works. Grandpa helps me fly around the room, which makes my mouth drop wide open, (it's the ramjet effect, more propulsion) This is the fun part, while we're flying, we try to drool bomb grandma!! The hard part is getting the timing down, so we are right on target when the drool bomb drops. Next month when I get to stay at grandmas, grandpa & I will fly more sordis to practice.

After that grandpa took me out to his shop to show me his Boss mustang, wow, that baby is sharp!! I figured if I play my cards right the old guy would let me drive it. So I put on my cutest face & smiled at grandpa, sure enough he put me in the Mustang. Grandpa was telling me in the old days before air conditioning, (man he must be old) you had to hang your arm out the window to look cool. So I thought I would try it. I must have looked pretty cute so he ran in the house to get the camera. He told me not to touch any buttons. While he was gone I couldn't help noticing that shiny metal thingy hanging on the steering wheel so what the heck I gave it a turn. All of a sudden I heard a loud VAROOOOM!! Just then grandpa came in the shop with camera & snapped the picture.


Yup, I was busted, but at least I got the arm on the door like grandpa told me.

So I'm telling you, if you ever get the chance to drive grandpas Boss, I highly recomend it!! Next time, I'm going to try to reach those things on the floor to see what they do!!

bye, bye,
