Sunday, July 6, 2008

July 6th trip to Jackson Hole, WY.

Grand Teton Mountains
Bar stools at the Milleneum Cowboy Bar in town.

(I don't think this squirrell won the battle.)

Stage coach tour rides in town, we didn't go but maybe next time.

Palisades Lake on the way to Jackson.

Picture on top of the Palisades Dam.

Brian and I had a fun 4th of July. I was working only until 3pm and then when I came home we started to get everything ready for a small party we were hosting for some of his co-workers. We had BBQ in the Crock pot going all day and then some various snacks also. The BBQ turned out great! I also made dessert which was white chocolate cheesecake with fresh strawberry sauce on top. Everyone loved it and I'll have to post some recipes later if anyone would like to try them. After dinner, drinking and card games, we went to the fireworks show along the snake river in town. The show lasted for about 40 minutes and I must say that they did a great job. It was a really nice show. After the fireworks, we all came back to our place to play, drink, and eat some more. I had to work in the A.M shift the next day and I was pretty beat the next day. On saturday I didn't want to do anything so today we decided to go to Jackson to get out of town while we both have a day off of work together. It was such a gorgeous day out to walk around town and get some fresh air. We had a wonderful time and I'm sure we we'll be back to Jackson soon, because this was only our 3rd time there since we moved. Ha ha. Well, gotta go, hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July!