Saturday, June 21, 2008

Oops forgot the pictures of the governor.

Finally taking some time to post some pictures here of the bathroom progress. We are still working on the bathroom. In between, we have been trying to get out and do some other things. Mark was here last week on his way to Jackson Hole. We had the Mustang over at Buggies-n-Blues. Everyone had a fun day that day. The governor even stopped by.

A while back we had a woodpecker beating his head against our electrical pole out back. Got a little bit of video of him. Not sure if the sound is there though.

Hope Mark posts some pictures from his latest trip to Cincinnati. If he doesn't, give him a call and ask him about it. Jennifer, he said he doesn't want to answer text messages, he would rather talk to you.

Looking forward to seeing all the kids this summer. We are going out to see Kelly and Brian in August and Jennifer said she was going to ride along with us. Then we will go out to see Mark in September. Kelly Voge is getting married September 13, so will be attending her wedding on the way back. Then in October we are going on a bus trip to Branson, Nashville, and Memphis. On the way back we will be stopping in Oklahoma for an Octoberfest. (That's the only way I got dad to agree to going!)

With all this traveling ahead, hope the bathroom gets done soon!