Thursday, November 13, 2008

My Place

Wow - nothin goin on here! As promised here is a pic of my window was nicer a week ago when the tree had a lot more leaves on it. At night I have a chunk of sky I can look it with a couple of stars. They only have a couple in Philly. A few times a month I have a perfect view of the moon and every morning I get to watch the squirrels chasing each other all over the tree - sometimes even across the overhang outside my window! seems i have no working batteries in my camera. which means i can't upload my pics!! i give up...some other night i guess :(

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Dad sent out the pictures of the governor and him but thought I would post them here too.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

July 6th trip to Jackson Hole, WY.

Grand Teton Mountains
Bar stools at the Milleneum Cowboy Bar in town.

(I don't think this squirrell won the battle.)

Stage coach tour rides in town, we didn't go but maybe next time.

Palisades Lake on the way to Jackson.

Picture on top of the Palisades Dam.

Brian and I had a fun 4th of July. I was working only until 3pm and then when I came home we started to get everything ready for a small party we were hosting for some of his co-workers. We had BBQ in the Crock pot going all day and then some various snacks also. The BBQ turned out great! I also made dessert which was white chocolate cheesecake with fresh strawberry sauce on top. Everyone loved it and I'll have to post some recipes later if anyone would like to try them. After dinner, drinking and card games, we went to the fireworks show along the snake river in town. The show lasted for about 40 minutes and I must say that they did a great job. It was a really nice show. After the fireworks, we all came back to our place to play, drink, and eat some more. I had to work in the A.M shift the next day and I was pretty beat the next day. On saturday I didn't want to do anything so today we decided to go to Jackson to get out of town while we both have a day off of work together. It was such a gorgeous day out to walk around town and get some fresh air. We had a wonderful time and I'm sure we we'll be back to Jackson soon, because this was only our 3rd time there since we moved. Ha ha. Well, gotta go, hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Oops forgot the pictures of the governor.

Finally taking some time to post some pictures here of the bathroom progress. We are still working on the bathroom. In between, we have been trying to get out and do some other things. Mark was here last week on his way to Jackson Hole. We had the Mustang over at Buggies-n-Blues. Everyone had a fun day that day. The governor even stopped by.

A while back we had a woodpecker beating his head against our electrical pole out back. Got a little bit of video of him. Not sure if the sound is there though.

Hope Mark posts some pictures from his latest trip to Cincinnati. If he doesn't, give him a call and ask him about it. Jennifer, he said he doesn't want to answer text messages, he would rather talk to you.

Looking forward to seeing all the kids this summer. We are going out to see Kelly and Brian in August and Jennifer said she was going to ride along with us. Then we will go out to see Mark in September. Kelly Voge is getting married September 13, so will be attending her wedding on the way back. Then in October we are going on a bus trip to Branson, Nashville, and Memphis. On the way back we will be stopping in Oklahoma for an Octoberfest. (That's the only way I got dad to agree to going!)

With all this traveling ahead, hope the bathroom gets done soon!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Our Niece-Cordelia Pearl High. Oooooooh

I didn't share a picture of the new family member. We finally were able to meet Cordelia. She's so sweet. She is such a good baby. I can't wait to see her again. They grow up so fast!

Home Sweet Home.

This is a bad picture but from in the living room, but across the street is another new townhome being built. Our place has the same style on the outside but our siding is blue instead of the brown. I'll get some better pictures for you soon but in the meantime, this is all I have.

Picture of the dining room. Victoria already checking out the view of the backyard from the patio doors. The kitchen is just to the left corner from the stairs or across from the dining room.

Christmas Fun!

Brian and I had so much fun visiting with everyone. I wanted to post some fun pictures of everyone from the wedding to Christmas. We had a great time at the wedding and it was great to dance to some more polka! Sorry Joe, I didn't get that dance with you. :-) Ha ha.

Uncle Brian and Aunt Kelly had so much fun sledding with Fred Rion and Torii at Grandpa and Grandma's. Fred Rion especially had fun sledding with Brian; it's like he had a big brother around.

Brian and I had a fun trip to Idaho. Most of the drive was clear weather then we came across some ugly weather around the idaho border. We saw a semi in the ditch on the opposite side of the road and we had to stop for about 10 minutes. We were still able to drive a decent speed and we knew the weather wasn't going to stop us from getting to Idaho Falls. We eventually made and a little later than we had planned but we made it safe.

When we finally arrived to our new Townhome, we looked at the driveway full of snow, and a thought came to us, we have no shovel. There was about 9 inches of snow to shovel from the storm that we just missed. What a way to stretch the muscles out after driving all day. But, we were still excited to shovel a driveway with a garage to put our car in!

Brian has started work and I think he's having it soooo rough right now. He is currently in Las Vegas for a training workshop. The little time I can get ahold of him, he said the classes are going well and it sounds like he's having a goodtime. Last night Brian and a co-worker were walking the Vegas strip. He has also been talking with some co-workers about some required classes that he will be looking forward too at ISU. It sound like one class he needs is not going to be fun for him this semester. Brian will be back late Friday night from Vegas.
Work for me has been sketchy. I have had some interviews and I am thinking that I will have a job by the end of this week. I hope to hear something by Friday at the latest. I don't mind having the time off to keep organizing our new house, but it's starting to get old. There's only so much organizing a person can do. I think I may go a little nutty soon if I don't start work. Anyway, I will keep you up-dated when I find something. :-)
Not much else going on here, I will post some pictures of our place also. Right now I only have pictures of the inside but not what the outside looks like. Once I get the camera back from Mr. Vegas then I will take some pictures of the outside. Hope all is well with everyone.
Love, Kelly & Brian