Friday, July 18, 2014

New Addition to Der Gross Familie

This post should actually be titled, "New AdditionS to Der Gross Familie. On May 24, 2014, much to my father's surprise, I FINALLY tied the knot and therefore am now disqualified from joining the convent. Sorry dad! The good news is I found my soul-mate, in Philadelphia of all places, and am ridiculously happy to be married to Donald Joseph.
Not even unpacked from the honeymoon, I was Determined to get to the bottom of it, I found my answer: We are expecting!! All those lovely martini/wine/liquor glasses we received from the registry, wine and red eye left behind from the wedding will have to wait 9 months! We were shocked to say the least, but excited.

Baby gave us a scare in the beginning but now all the tests lately are coming back perfect. One more month and we are pretty much in the clear. Mommy is feeling pretty good, just sleepy and out of breath sometimes.

Don is calling baby his "little boy", so no secret what daddy wants! Of course, we will feel blessed with whatever we have. We had our 9 month ultrasound yesterday, I texted it to you guys. The tech called baby a little 'wiggle worm' because it was bouncing all over the monitor! Don might just get his little soccer player after all.

I hope to use this blog to fill you in on any updates since I cannot do so in person. Love and miss you all :)

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph